Dr. Mohamad Zbeib

Consultant in Internal Medicine

Doctor Timetable

The timetable below shows the regular working hours of our doctors. This is subject to change. Please contact us and book your appointments before your visit. We aim to reply to your request during our working hours.
Saturday 08:30am to 12:30pm | 04:30pm to 08:30pm
Sunday To Wednesday
08:30am 12:30pm
4:30pm 08:30pm
Thursday 08:30am to 01:30pm | 04:30pm to 08:30pm
Friday Holiday


An internist specializes in diagnosis and medical (nonsurgical) treatment of adults. Internists provide long-term, comprehensive care and manage both common and complex diseases.


Diabetes, Hypertension, Respiratory Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Gastrointestinal Disorders.

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